The Three A's
"We're all gunna get lumps, we're all gunna get bumps, none of us can predict the future but we do know one thing about the future and that's that it ain't gunna go according to plan," no one could have explained life better than Neil Pasricha. Every day of every year, people have bad days. It could be from having a bad hair day, we all know everyone has those, or to loosing a family member in your life. Through out the lumps and bumps on our road of life, we have to know that the road will eventually flatten out which is the way Neil Pasricha looks at life. With the tradgic events that happened in Neil's life, he used his sadness into something good. He started a blog called 1000 Awesome Things. The "things"in his blog were from putting objects in your shoe so you don't forget them later, to finding money in your pocket, to buffets, I mean really, every one enjoys unlimited food. His blog won the "Best Blog of the Year" award and even has two books out today, The Book of Awesome and The Book of (Even More) Awesome.
Thinking about my life, I know that I've had bad days he
re and there. On those days, you don't think of how happy simple bubble wrap can make you feel better or how dancing in the car can instantly boost your mood. I mean really think about it, when's the last time you've said, "Oh! The waitress just refilled my drink with out me asking, that's just made my day!" Yeah that is right, you are trying to think about it, but you can't because you don't do that. What has made our society today so negative? Well, "We will all have high highs," said Neil Pasricha, but all also have low lows. In order to get through the "low lows" we need The Three A's.
The first of the three A's is a no brainer, attitude."You've always got two choices," stated Pasricha, "You can swirl and twirl and gloom and doom forever or two, you can grieve and then face the future with newly sober eyes." If your planning on having a good attitude for the day, I think we all agree that we need option two. You always hear teachers and coaches telling you, "Go into this with a good attitude and I know you can do great!" Is positive thinking really going to help you score that extra goal? Or help you get an "A" on that really hard math test? Well, it can't get you into college but it CAN help you with many other daily challenges. It is a proven fact that if you think negatively, most of the time, it will go negatively. So go with option two and think about the positive things happening in your life and stay away from negative influences.
The second A is awareness. Who knew being aware of your surroundings helps you live a happy live? Well, that is not exactly what Neil Pasricha when he used awareness as one of his A's in life. Instead, he meant to open your eyes and be aware of what new things you have around you, what beautiful things are in the room that you've never seen before. "I love the way they (3 year olds) see the world becuase they are seeing the world for the first time," said Neil. If you think back to the positive first times you have in life, like maybe seeing that awesome movie for the first time, wearing the new clothes you got, getting the new gum everyone's talking about, then you can see the world in a whole new, positive light. Neil's message is remember the positive first times in you life and always, always embrace you're inner three year old.
The last A that Neil Pasricha talks about is Authenticity. Now, if your vocabulary level is the same as mine, right now you are probably thinking, "Definition of authenticity please?" Authenticity is the quality that people can have of being sincere to yourself. When you have the quality of authenticity you are not afraid to show who you are, what you love, and what your opinions are. You are loyal to yourself and others around you by showing who you really are. "It's all about being you," said Pasricha. His general message in this A of life is to follow your heart, and go with your gut instinct in a decision. Life is to short to take the time to think about all the daily decision's we are faced with.
After his inspiring thoughts and moving stories, Neil Pasricha decided to leave us a closing thought to think about. Consider being true to yourself to get through what you're going through. "There are just so many things to be happy about.....And we've only got a hundred years to enjoy it," stated Pasricha. Through out life we have to be willing to live it to the fullest, and do not let those bad days get us down. Try to find the positive in that negative situation. Think about using the three A's in you life; positive attitude, awareness, and authenticity. And just maybe you can enjoy life like you are supposed too. So take that extra time to sing your favorite song in the shower to cheer up your day, and it is okay to think that bubble wrap is the best part about receiving a new package, and always, always remain sincere to yourself.
Works Cited
"Google Images." Google. Web. 18 Apr. 2011. .
"Google Images." Google. Web. 18 Apr. 2011. .
Pasricha, Neil. "The 3 A's of Awesome." Ted. Jan. 2011. Web. 18 Apr. 2011.
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