Technology at It's Finest
It's the year 2011, and technology today is way more advanced then what anyone could have predicted. We have designs, applications, gadgets, that 10 years ago, were unimaginable. But recently, there has been a lot of discuss about our society coming to a stop with technology, especially in our class fish bowls. Mick Ebeling has not only proved people wrong, but his invention was life changing for the people who use it.
Mick Ebeling heard about the graffiti artist TEMPT who was diagnosed with ALS, which completely paralyzed him. His only way of communicating was by blinking, something most people take for granted. Blinking was his only was to live, by opening and closing his eyes. Mick decided he wanted to help him and with that, he invented the device that changed TEMPT's life. He created glasses that can project images on to walls and buildings and it can be controlled by the movement of eyes.
So now would you agree that our society has come to a screeching stop with technology? Some people argue that out inventions are improving but there is no actual new inventions, just upgrades of the old. But how would you explain these glasses? No one has ever seen anything like it. What about the Straddling Bus that was recently released in Bejing? It is greener, quickest, and doesn't take up any extra space. New invention? I think yes.
A lot of children today have so many brilliant ideas to share with the world. Adults tend to shoot them down by saying, "That's ridiculous, that could never work!" But society needs to realize that at one point in life, somethings weren't possible. 100 years ago, people thinking about a cell phone? No way! That would have been amazing! "If you see something that's not possible, make it possible," stated Mick Ebeling. Every time we think of something new and different but can't decide to try to make it happen, Mick tells us to ask us two simple questions: "If not now, then when? If not me, then who?" Mick made TEMPT's dream come true by letting him do what he loved again after seven years. He is now going to be in an upcoming art show in California. Not only can TEMPT use if, but so can any other paralyzed person that can not communicate. It is also free to everyone, no one is making a dime off of this invention. If Mick can help someone's dream come true, so can we. Our generation needs to stop letting our brilliant ideas get constantly ridiculed by how impossible they are and realize, that one day, they can be possible.
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